Bishop’s Pastoral Visit

On November 3, 2022, the Most Rev Jesse Mercado conducted his pastoral visit to the Parish of Mary, Mother of Good Counsel. The visit commenced with the arrival of the Bishop at 2:30 PM. On hand to welcome the Bishop were the coordinators of the various commissions and other lay leaders. He proceeded to the sanctuary for a brief prayer afterwhich he proceeded with his colloquium with Msgr Mel at the Parish priest’s Office. Simultaneously, Frs Gilbert Romulo and Ernie Sican met with the office and rectory staff. The core leaders also met at the Second Floor of the Formation Center. At 4:30 PM, the Bishop met with the parish lay leaders at the Capilla de San Jose. It was an animated dialogue/sharing with the Bishop expressing his views on the pandemic, on prayer and Christian discipleship. It was the concretization of his episcopal motto: “Confirma fratres tuos,” his presence a way to strengthen the community’s faith, thus building up the Body of Christ. He entertained views and questions from the lay leaders and offered his advise on pressing problems that relate to the pandemic. Holy Mass was celebrated at 6 in the evening. During the Mass, the new lay leaders of the Parish Pastoral Council and the Stewardship Team were presented to the community. The visit was capped with a dinner. It was truly a grace-filled event.