Ministry of Information and Communication
“The media of social communications can contribute a great deal to human unity. So among the wonderful technical inventions which foster communication among human beings, Christians find means that have been decided under God’s providence for the encouragement of social relations … men are led to a mutual understanding and shared ambition, and this in turn includes them to justice and peace, to goodwill and active charity, to mutual help, to love, and in the end, to communion. The world of communications, then, provides some of the most effective means for the cultivation of that charity among men which is at one the cause and the expression of fellowship.”
(Communio et Progressio, nos. 250, 253)
The Ministry of Information and Communication is formed to be the information dissemination and public relations arm of the parish. It assists in promoting parish programs, projects, events, and activities and leads in the live-streaming of Masses and other parish activities. The ministry prepares publicity materials, videos and lay-out for needed church programs and activities. It explores or uses all channels of communication for evangelization and information dissemination within the parish through print, web, email, SMS (Short Message Service) or text messaging, and Social Media platforms (Facebook, Website, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.). It taps resources in the development of skills and/or talents necessary in the field of communications and media.
Administrator: Neil Cabreira
Production Coordinator: Audrey Clarese Rosites
Publishing Coordinator: Audrey Clarese Rosites
Photographer: Chris Cabe
Niccollo Cabe
Jillian Malajacan
Glezeree Coleen Malajacan
Michaela Bianca Gumogda
Mylene Trabucon