Commission on Youth
The Commission helps the youth of the parish focus their attention on the love of God and neighbor. Its programs and activities strive to bring out leadership qualities, develop skills in the arts and communication, foster a team spirit among the youth while at the same time giving glory to God. The CoY provides and organizes integral formation and training programs that address spiritual growth, leadership, unity, justice, and social responsibility for the youth and youth leaders. It is the parish’s goal to have a functioning and empowered youth.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry leads adolescents to the life of discipleship. As baptized members of the Church, the youth are called to serve others and to serve Christ, bringing about the Kingdom of God in unique ways. These take place in the family, the parish community, the school, and youth-serving organizational communities. The Youth Ministry promotes the holistic growth and development of the individual: that is, growth and development of the entire person. Talks that gear towards this goal are held regularly.
Coordinators for Youth Ministry: Charls Calongin/ Michelle Agana/Michelle Malbog/ Michael Espiritu
Advisers: Stella Fulgencio/ Ma Paulita Asor
Young Adults Ministry
The Young Adults Ministry is geared towards equipping people to be leaders. More effort is directed towards helping someone establish a relationship with God, personal apostolate in the university or the workplace, and authentic community.
Coordinators for Young Adults Ministry:
Adviser: Rommel Adriano
Youth members of different parish ministries are included in the CoY. As volunteers in the church, these youth are witnesses of the community life, bringing with them their rich experience of service, sharing the Good News to their peers by the art of living well – beginning and ending with the Lord. These include the Ministry of Altar Servers, the Ministry of Ushers, Greeters and Collectors and the Legion of Mary Youth.
The renewal movements in the church center on the renewal of individual commitment to the person of Jesus Christ in His Church, through the power of the Holy Spirit. The youth’s involvement in these renewal groups is a sign of their desire to live more fully their Baptismal dignity and vocation as adopted sons and daughters of the Father, to know the redeeming power of Christ our Savior in a more intense experience of individual and group prayer and to follow the teaching of the Scriptures by reading them in the light of the same Spirit. One of the most important results of this spiritual reawakening is the increased thirst for holiness which is seen in the lives of individuals and in the whole Church. The youth renewal groups affiliated with the parish CoY include members of Youth for Christ, Youth for Life and Bigkis Club.
Youth for Christ is the youth arm of Couples for Christ (CFC) – a pontifical Catholic Christian movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of the Christian family life. It takes part in the mission of its mother organization, the Couples for Christ movement in building the church of the home and in building the church of the poor. The group promotes and supports the youth’s thirst to enjoy life by empowering them to live life to its fullest, learning and growing with friends, recognizing God’s presence in their friends. The YFC is committed to live a life of faith that creates relevant impact on Philippine society.
BIGKIS is a youth group that seeks to personally encounter the Lord Jesus. It also aims to establish relationships especially with the unchurched youth and share the Gospel in a fun and creative way.
Youth for Life is a significant and crucial part of the overall mission of the Office of Respect Life. It strengthens and empowering the hearts of youth to defend life from conception to natural death in a culture that devalues the sanctity of life. Youth for Life keeps our young people close to God, arming them against the secular world trying to misinform and corrupt them.
Serving in God’s Army (SIGA) is a youth group that provides educational assistance, leadership opportunities, and networking resources to the next generation of local leaders. This group assists young leaders in developing projects that support social, economic and environmental development in the local level.